The ECE Student Awards Committee solicits nominations of outstanding students in six categories. In addition, seven more undergraduate awards will be chosen and given by the School of ECE and by the Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society, and an eighth – the Colonel Oscar P. Cleaver Award – will be determined by the ECE Graduate Committee.
Faculty and staff members only can submit nominations via the online form. Questions can be directed to Professor Durgin.
Teaching undergraduates is one of ECE’s most important missions. Teaching assistants are necessary to ensure that every student has the opportunity for personal attention during their course of study. The GTA who receives this award must have taught an ECE course for at least one semester during the past three semesters prior to the award ceremony; the ECE Student Awards selection committee will also request teaching review data from the ECE Academic Affairs Office for all nominees. Nominators are expected to submit a résumé from the GTA, plus at least two reference letters, for their nominees. This award consists of a $1,000 check and a plaque.
- 2002: Michael Reid
- 2003: Adam Wathen
- 2004: Samuel Li
- 2005: Joseph Lee
- 2006: Anna Stelzenmuller
- 2007: Mohanned Sinnokrot
- 2008: Chris Beall
- 2009: Sandeep Kakamanu
- 2010: Talha Khan
- 2011: Mohammad Omer
- 2012: Jenna Fu
- 2013: Amy LaViers
- 2014: Daniel Murdock
- 2015: Nathan Parrish
- 2016: Westin Williams
- 2017: Motaz Alfarraj, Hesam Moradinejad
- 2018: Richard Connor Lawson, Chunmeng Xu
- 2019: Mahmoud Mehraban, Lakshmi Raju
- 2020: Kartik Sastry, Matthew Denton
- 2021: Nishant Bilakanti, Aniruddh Marellapudi
- 2022: Landon Ballard, Chenghao Duan
- 2023: Daniel Canales, Diego Fratta
- 2024: Rudranshu Datta, Justin Zhang